Masudi Masudi


Ketimpangan yang dapat menimpa kaum perempuandalam praktik poligami atau model perkawinan lainnya,seperti sirri (sembunyi-sembunyi), mut’ah (kontrak), danperkawinan tanpa wali hakim yang tidak berhak harusditangani dengan penanganan yang terarah. Artikelini mencoba untuk melihat bagaimana Usulan RUU Peradilan Agama dalam Legislasi Nasional 2010 yang menjadi sandaran hukum dalam penentuan sanksi pidana bagi para pelaku poligami, nikah siri, kawin kontrak,dan wali hakim yang tidak sah di mata hukum. Satu halyang menarik bahwa pro kontra yang muncul akibatRUU ini merupakan satu hal yang mutlak. Namun perluditekankan bahwa kearifan dan kebijaksanaan setiapelemen bangsa Indonesia merupakan penentu eksistensiIslam yang “membumi” sebagai perwujudan semangat “rahmatan lil’alamin”.

Kata Kunci: Kesetaraan, RUU Peradilan Agama, perkawinan


Islam proposed equality for both men and women not only in terms of their public relation but also domesticone, i.e. marital relationship. Unfair treatment that facedby women in the practice of polygamy or other marital models, such as sirri marriage, mut’ah contract, andmarriage without a legal guardian should be solved bydirectional handling system. This article tries to see howthe Proposed Religion Justice Bill, which became theNational Legislation and the laws in the determinationof criminal sanctions for the actors of polygamy,unregistered marriage, mut’ah contract, and alsomarriage without a legal guardian in the eyes of the law.One interesting thing that the pros and cons that arise asa result of this bill is an absolute must. However, it shouldbe emphasized that the wisdom and discretion of eachelement of the Indonesian people is what determines theexistence of Islam that is “grounded” as the embodimentof the spirit of “rahmatan lil’alamin”.

Key words: equality, Proposed Religion Justice Bill,marriage.

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