Muzdalifah M. Rahman


The purpose of this paper was to explain the concept of mental health perspective Contemporary Psychology, describes
the mental health of an Islamic perspective and describes how mental health recovery. The theory used is the concept of mental health perspective Contemporary Psychology, and the concept of mental health perspective Islamic Psychology Writing is writing method using qualitative research methods. Mental health is avoiding an Islamic perspective of all symptoms, complaints and mental disorders, is able to adapt to their social environment, develop self-potential grounded in faith and devotion to God. Mental health perspective of Islam emphasize the power of faith. Meanwhile, the acquisition means a mental health perspective with the method pious Muslim, Islamic and Ihsaniah. Mental health is the responsibility of all good families, schools, communities and government. Maintaining mental health can be started from the family. Application of Islamic values in families with ketelaadanan parents will be able to form the children have a healthy mental. With the growing dynamic of human life, the science
of mental health, especially mental health needs to be developed with an Islamic perspective various studies and research, especially the development of mental health recovery means Islamic perspective.


Mental Health; Contemporary Psychology Perspective; Islamic Perspective

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