Comparison of Modern and Islamic HRM: Impact Of Ihrm On Organizational Commitment (a Survey among Employess Of Islamic BANK in Pakistan)

Muhammad Junaid Nadvi, Zubair bin Junaid


Section-1 of this paper provides an understanding and comparison of the fundamental concepts of Modern Human Resource Management (MHRM) and Islamic Human Resource Management (IHRM). Section-2 identifies the implications of MHRM and IHRM from modern/secular and Islamic/religious perspective on HRM and the metamorphosis between their concepts. Section-3 claims that MHRM and IHRM do not produce similar results. The application of MHRM results can only be achieved in the life of this World, but the results of the IHRM can be achieved in the life of this World, and also in the life of World-Hereafter. Section-4 presents a survey based research, comprised of quantitative data showing the perception of employees about IHRM and its resultant impact on Organizational Commitment.  A questionnaire for data collection and survey approach has been used to study the perception of IHRM on employee-commitment. The research suggests the importance of adopting IHRM based strategies to increase organizational commitment among employees. 


Islamic HRM, Modern HRM, Organizational Commitment, Concepts, Implications

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Kuper, A. Adam & Kuper, Jessica. eds., The Social Science Encyclopaedia. Article: Cowell, Frank. Human Capital (Pakistan: Services Book Club, 1989), pp.366-367

Terry, George R. & Franklin, Stephen G., Principles of Management (USA: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1982), p. 6; also see: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2005, deluxe edition CD-ROM, Topic: Economics.

Ibid., p.4; also see: Pant, Y.P., Planning and Development (New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishers Ltd., 1989).

Samuelson, Paul A.. & Nordhaus, William D., Economics, (New York: Mc-GrawHill Co., 13th ed., 1989), pp. 10-13,885-891.

Terry, George R. & Franklin, Stephen G., Principles of Management (USA: Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1982), p. 3, 6-11,18; also see: Pant, Y.P. Planning and Development (New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishers Ltd., 1989); Noe, Raymond A., Hollenbeck, John R. , Gerhart, Barry, & Wright Patrick M. Human resource management in Australia: strategy, people performance (Australia: McGraw-Hill, 2004); Mchance, Steven, & Travaglione, Tony. Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003).

Al-Qur’ân:2:28; 2:148; 2:246-248; 4:150-151; 4:163; 5:100; 6:32; 13:31; 19:76; 21:33; 23:12-13; 23: 51-52; 28:68; 32:9; 37:142, 40:78; 51:21; 67:2; 73:20;3:14-15; Also see commentary by: Abdullah Yousuf Ali, Mufti Muhammad Shafi, Ma-ârif-ul-Qur’ân; Mawlâna Amin Ahsan Islâhi, Tadabbur al-Qur’ân; Sayyid Abul-a‘la Mawdûdi, Tafheem-ul-Qur’ân; Pîr Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azharî, Zia-ul-Qur’ân; Abdul Hakeem Malik, QUR’ĀNIC PRISM: Trilingual subjet index of Holy Qur’ān, Pakistan/UK/Canada/ USA: Islamic Research Foundation, 3rd ed., 2002; Dr. Muhammad Junaid Nadvi, Index of Qur’ânic Verses on Islamic Economics, (Islamabad: Da‘wah Academy, International Islamic University, 2000); Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya-ibn-Sharaf al-Nawawi, Riyād al-Salihīn, English tr., Muhammad Saghir Hasan Masumi, Gardens of the Righteous, (Islamabad: National Hijra Council, 1992).

Durant, Will., The Story of Philosophy (Pakistan: Services Book Club, 1985), pp. xxii-xxiii.

Samuelson, Paul A.. & Nordhaus, William D., Economics, (New York: Mc-GrawHill Co., 13th ed., 1989), p.4.

Terry, George R. & Franklin, Stephen G., Principles of Management (USA: Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1982), p. 4.

Ahmad, Khurshid., Islami Nazriyah-e-Hayat, Karachi University: 1982, Pp. 13-15; 72-103; 127-145

___________ , Islami Nazriyah-e-Hayat, Karachi University: 1982, pp. 13-15; 17-31; 50-71

For details, see: Hasan, Ahmad. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, 1993).

See al-Qur’ān: Man-God Relationship: 2:21-22, 2:27, 2:29-31, 2:33-34, 2:43, 2:126, 2:153, 2:165, 2:177, 2:245, 2:254, 2:261-262, 2:264, 2:281, 3:49, 5:91, 5:93, 6:152, 16:52, 16:71,16:75, 16:128, 17:23-25, 17:30, 18:38, 19:55, 20:112, 23:62, 23:115, 24:22, 29:69, 33:35, 34:37, 65:3,71:10-12, 90:5, 90:10; Man-Man Relationship: 2:27, 2:39, 2:43, 2:180, 2:188,2:220, 2:229, 2:237, 2:280, 2:282-283,4:9-10, 16:90, 17:24-25, 19:32, 20:112,22:36, 24:61, 65:3, 70:32; Ownership of God: 3:129, 3:180, 3:189, 4:126,4:131-132, 4:170, 5:17-18 ,5:40,5:120, 6:158, 9:116, 10:55,10:68, 14:2, 15:23, 16:52,16:75, 16:95, 16:114, 19:40,20:6, 20:112, 21:19, 22:64,24:64, 25:2, 31:26, 34:1,48:14, 53:31, 57:2, 57:5,63:7,85:9; Ownership of Man: 2:180, 2:188, 2:220, 2:229,4:2, 4:4, 4:6-10, 4:12,4:20, 4:29,4:58,6:94,6:152, 17:34,18:34,18:82,30:38, 39:29,51:15,19,65:6,20:112,24:50,27:11,27:52,28:37,29:14,30:9,39:51,41:46, 42:40, 43:65, 49:11; Sanctity of Private Property: 2:180, 2:188, 2:220, 2:229,4:2, 4:4, 4:6-10, 4:12, 4:20, 4:29, 4:58, 6:94,6:152 17:34 18:34 18:82,30:38, 39:29, 51:15-19, 65:6.

See al-Qur’ān: Faith:– in Angels:2:177, 2:285, 4:136; – in God:2:8, 2:62, 2:136, 2:162,2:177, 2:285, 3:52, 3:84, 4:136, 4:162, 4:175, 5:59,5:69, 5:83, 7:121, 7:126,7:158, 8:41, 9:18, 24:47,29:10, 29:46, 40:84, 49:15,64:8; –in the Last Day:1:4, 2:4, 2:62, 2:177,4:136, 4:162, 5:69, 9:18; – in Messengers:2:136, 2:177, 2:285, 3:84, 4:136, 4:162, 5:12, 5:59, 7:158, 24:47, 47:2, 49:15,64:8; – in Scriptures:2:4, 2:136, 2:177, 2:285,4:136, 5:69, 8:41, 47:2.

See: al-Qur’ân:2:28; 2:148; 2:246-248; 4:150 &151; 4:163; 5:100; 6:32; 13:31; 19:76; 21:33; 23:12-13; 23: 51-52; 28:68; 32:9; 37:142, 40:78; 51:21; 67:2; 73:20; there are many more references of similar kind in the Holy Qur’ân. Also see commentaries on the verses cited by: Abdullah Yousuf Ali, THE HOLY QURÂN English translation & meanings, revised & edited. (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, u.d.); Mufti Muhammad Shafi, Ma-ârif-ul-al-Qur’ân, (Karachi: Dârul-Ishâ‘at); Mawlâna Amin Ahsan Islâhi, Tadabbur al-Qur’ân, (Lahore:Idara Tadabbur al-Qur’ân); Sayyid Abul-a‘la Mawdûdi, Tafheem-ul-Qur’ân,(Lahore: Idara Tarjuman al-Qur’ân); Pîr Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azharî, Zia-ul-Qur’ân, (Lahore: Zia-ul-Qur’ân pub.)

English translation & meanings used in this paper are taken from “THE HOLY QURÂN” by Abdullah Yousuf Ali, revised & edited by “The Presidency of Islamic Researchers, Ifta, Call & Guidance”, King Fahad Holy-Qurân printing complex, (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, u.d.)

For details see: Malik, Abdul Hakeem Malik. QUR’ĀNIC PRISM: Trilingual subjet index of Holy Qur’ān (Pakistan/UK/Canada/ USA: Islamic Research Foundation, 3rd ed., 2002); Iriving, Thomas Ballantine, Ahmad, Khurshid & Ahsan, M. Manazir. THE QUR’ĀN: BASIC TEACHINGS, (Islamabad: Da‘wah Academy, International Islamic University, 1994); M.N.Rizavi, THE FINAL MESSAGE OF GOD: The substance of the Holy Qur’ān arranged topic wise, (Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, 1996); Nadvi, Dr. Muhammad Junaid. INDEX OF QUR’ĀNIC VERSES ON ISLAMIC ECONOMICS (Islamabad: Da‘wah Academy, International Islamic University, 2000); Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya-ibn-Sharaf al-Nawawi, Riyād al-Salihīn, English tr., M.Saghir Hasan Masumi, Gardens of the Righteous, (Islamabad: National Hijra Council, 1992).

For detail see: Nadvi, Mawlāna Sayyid Abul-Hasan Ali, Zihnī Aur I‘taqādī Irtatād (Islamabad: Da‘wah Academy, Intl. Islamic University, 2001).

al-Qur’ân: 3:14-15

al-Qur’ân: 87:16-17

al-Qur’ân: 2: 210, 3:14-15, 3:117, 9:25, 9:38, 10:24, 16:74-76,17:18-20, 18:16-17, 18:46-49, 22:56, 28:60, 9:64, 43:35, 52:1-10, 82:1-5,102:1-8

al-Qur’ân 7:32

al- Qur’ân 16:81

al- Qur’ân 28:77

al-Qur’ân: 2:35, 2:62, 2:197, 2:281, 2:200-201, 23:51, 72:16

al-Qur’ân: 20:124

al-Qur’ân: 2:38-39, 2:62, 2:175

al-Qur’ân: 2:11, 5:36, 11:85, 18:28, 20:81, 26:183, 28:32, 28:82

al-Qur’ân: 2:21, 2:29-30-31, 3:180

al-Qur’ân: 2:22, 2:29, 3:129, 3:180, 24:64

al-Qur’ân: 2:30-31, 2:33, 4:27, 6:165.

Ab Rahman, M. N. M., & Shahid, S. (2009). Islamic HRM practices and employee commitment: A test among employees of Islamic banks in Bangladesh. Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 1269-1278.



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