Islamic Education Unifying Nation

Mukhamad Saekan


Islamic education for the nation of Indonesia becomes very important because it is known as a diverse nation in various aspects, such as religion, ethnic groups, languages, traditions and even colors. Once differences is not supported by human maturity, it easily leads to conflict of life. Maturity becomes the main factor to set it in order, safe, comfortable and peaceful atmosphere among humans. Maturity is also one indicator of educational success. It is characterized by three things: independence, stability and responsibility. These three are able to realize personal quality and also produce the social quality for humans. Based on Law number 20 year 2003 about National Education System, the position of Islamic education is very strategic because its essence contained also functioned as barometer in arranging the Indonesia national education system. They are found out as the unity of the nation, among others, spiritual power, the ability of self-control, personality, intelligence, noble morals and various life skills that are useful for individual, society and country.



Education, Islamic Education, Indonesian nation

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