Nadhirin Nadhirin


To realize the learning, it takes teaching supervision activities. The target of supervision is the teaching staff. The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  find  out  (1)  how  the teaching  supervision  activities  in  madrasah  is  (2)  how the techniques and approaches of supervision is (3) how the supervision of teaching in the madrasah is based on pesantren culture. The research method is library research with the technique of collecting the source of supervision theory of teaching through literature study and analysis technique   with   deductive-inductive    thinking   pattern. The results showed that (1) supervision of teaching in madarash is a function of leadership communication with pesantren  culture  so  the  relationship  between  teachers with the headmaster  or between  teachers  and students is to follow the pattern of relationship between kyai and santri (2) supervision approaches with a limited personal relationship approach and in an informal setting are much more effective because supervisory activities between teacher and headmaster are not open (3) teaching supervision  uses cultural  organization  group of religion technique (4) teaching supervision uses situational integrated approach.


Teaching, supervision, pesantren

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/qijis.v5i2.3122


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