Abd Shamad al-Palimbani’s Concept of Islamic Education: Analysis on Kitab Hidayah al-Sālikin fi Suluk Māsālāk lil Muttāqin

Alhamuddin Alhamuddin


This paper is an academic effort to explain some aspects of the concept of Islamic education thought Syaikh Abd al-Samad Palimbani (1714-1782 M). As a descriptive qualitative study, the main data in this study were obtained from a number of his works, especially from kitab Hidayah al-Sālikin. It’s contrast to the others previous scholars’ contemporaries, Hidayah al-Sālikin is unique work of Abd Shamad, especially in his approach. In these works Abd Shamad  attempted to explain jurisprudent aspects using Sufism approach. This research analyses some aspects of Abd Shamad’s concept of Islamic education thoughts. According to him, Islamic education aims are to produce a good human being and to achieve happiness by getting close to God. Based on the conducted research, some recommendations for further researcher, it is suggested to investigate this issue more specifically and comprehensively.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/qijis.v6i1.3717


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