Religious Tourism in The Perspective of Kendal Society

Lutfiyah Lutfiyah


Ziarah qubur is the sunnah worship by Prophet Muhammad, either a family grave or the clergy, auliya’, and shalaf al-Salih who have died. The behavior of ziarah qubur is interested to be studied because it seems to be a trend for people who have interest in popolar culture. Popular culture is often regarded as a product or cultural practices with low taste. This refers to the view that popular culture is a commercial culture as a result of mass production and industrialization so that it can be a lifestyle. This study aimed to answer the extent to which the public’s understanding of the ziarah qubur in Kendal regency. Through interviews and observation, this qualitative research led to the conclusion that ziarah qubur became a tradition, entertainment and ziarah motivation. The results of this research could develop in a more diverse results if developed on a broader subject.

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