School Culture to Serve Performance of Madrasah in Indonesia

Mukhammad Abdullah


School cultures grow with school ages, school objectives, social changes, and school level, whose success depends on leadership styles. This study, aims to see school cultures development and attainments of the schools. Taking in Kediri, Indonesia, this study used grounded theory and selected Senior Islamic School (MAN): MAN 1, MAN 2 and MAN Tarokan, 12 participants, and employed theme-based analysis. The study revealed MAN 2 is the best to maintain school cultures and achieve better academic attainments. School cultures are derived from (1) values, norms, and behavior; (2). school physical environment: beauty, security, comfort, tranquility, and cleanliness; (3). school system: quality based, principal leadership, discipline and order, rewards and incentives, expectations for achievement, access to information, evaluation, intensive and open communication. Schools with established school cultures achieve better academic and non-academic attainments.


School Culture, Madrasah, Accomplishment, Academic Achievement

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