Reading Types of Islamic Fundamentalism in Lampung Province (A Study on Doctrine and Movement of Islamism at Lampung University)

Imam Mustofa, Enizar Enizar, Mukhtar Hadi, Dedi Irwansyah


Islamic fundamentalism is usually identified and associated with the Islamic radicalism movement. This Islamic fundamentalism doctrine and movement have prepared students to be their successors. Lampung University as the biggest university in Lampung cannot be separated as its target. This article attempts to investigate types of fundamentalism at Lampung University; the fundamentalism development at the university; and the responses of university and faculty members towards religious activities at the. This study was a result of qualitative research applying two data sources in the words of primary data source and secondary data source. The collecting data methods were documentation and interview. The interviews were intended to lecturer, staff, university activist, and student. The documentation was held by examining the literature correlated with religious practice. The collected data were analyzed by using content analysis. The analysis was conducted through plotting the study and practice of religion, and analyzing the pattern of the study, religion practice and the contextualization of within Islamic study of Indonesia. Based on the analysis, this study concluded that the right-leaning Islamic doctrine which usually called Islamic fundamentalism turning a finger to Lampung University was not oriented on radicalism movement. This movement developed seriously Islamic education. Fundamentalism at Lampung University, not only moved to the education sector (tarbiyah) but also came into political sectors (siyasah). Unfortunately, university lets them move, because of their active roles in Islamic education for students. Nevertheless, some groups responded to their movement by initiating to create a similar student unit, namely KMNU (the Family of Nahdatul Ulama Students). However, the existence of this organization has not given significant improvements towards religious practices and discourses at Lampung University.


Religiosity pattern, textual, contextual-political

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