Moh. Rosyid


Ahmadist community in Kudus resides in Colo village, Dawe, Kudus, Central Java since 1998 after the election of village chief. The losing party established religious activity as a counter which was responded by Ahmadist preacher from Pati neighboring regency through opening traditional medication event to introduce Ahmadiyah. Until the end of

2012 there is no open conflict against Ahmadist community. The key for harmony between Ahmadist and the majority is conflict resolution based on mutual benefit and does no harm to others. The forms of conflict resolution are: (1) distributing leaflets to the public stating that they have the same god, the same prophet, (2) writing an inscription of laailaha illallah, muhammadur rosulullah on the mosque, after 10 years of its foundation, (3) in collaboration with Indonesian Red Cross coordinating blood donor every month, (4) distributing qurban meat to Ahmadist and non-Ahmadist, as in 1433 H/2012 there are 4 goats which are divided into 70 packages for non-Ahmadist and 13 for Ahmadist. Thus, the Ahmadi community in the village of Colo, Kudus is still exist because (a) the number of adherents are only 10 families of 4,000 population of the village of Colo, (b) they never violate social norms, the rule of law, and religious norms in the society, (c) inviting non-Ahmadist in their religious activities such as in public preaching and halal bi halal, (d) not all of the residents of Colo are devout in religion, and mostly do not care about the MUI fatwa concerning Ahmadiyah, because of their economic activities (as traders, farmers, ojek, etc.) and because of tolerance, (e) religious leader does not supporting conflict against Ahmadiyah, (f) there is no Islamic based hard- liner organization in Kudus and (e) there is family ties between Ahmadists and non-Ahmadists.

Keywords: Ahmadist, Kudus, no conflict, conflict resolution


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Fikrah: Jurnal Ilmu Aqidah dan Studi Keagamaan is published by

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ISSN: 2354-6174 | EISSN: 2476-9649

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