MENGGAPAI PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DI INDONESIA: Studi Perbandingan Etika Islam dan Etika Ekofeminisme

Ahmad Sururi


This research is based on the vision that todays environmental crisis comes from the mistakes of the human perspective of themselves, nature and the whole ecosystem. An error viewpoint derives from the ethics of anthropocentrism, which views human beings as the center of the universe and human beings only have value, so that the nature and extent of all its contents are considered a tool for satisfying the interests and needs of human life. This viewpoint derives exploitative behavior and attitude without concern for nature and everything in it is deemed not to have value in them. Therefore, this study discusses the Alternative for environmental conservation in Indonesia perspective islamic ethics and ecofeminism ethics. This is an important breakthrough and as an alternative in the field of environmental ethics in addressing the problem of environmental damage now.

Thus, the formal object of this research is environmental conservation in Indonesia. While the object of its material is Islamic ethics and ecofeminism ethics. The method used is descriptive, with philosophy as its approach. This study is a literature study or library research. This study intends to answer three things: first, what is the underlying background of the Islamic ethics and ecofeminism ethics? Second, how are the concept of Islamic ethics and ecofeminism ethics about environmental management? the third, how its relevance for the conservation of the environment in Indonesia? Results from this study is first, Islamic ethics and ecofeminism ethic concerns a social, cultural and structural, as the dominance used by the anthropocentrism in the relationship between human groups, and human with natural environment human causing suffers by the human and natural environmental destruction. Second, the recovery of the feminine principle is an answer to the increasingly worried about the environmental conditions are continuously exploited by the nature of the masculine for the sake of economic gain without regard for human life and nature. Feminine principle in everyday life, seems an alternative way forward, both for women and men, because the attitude of the feminine principle emphasizes respect for nature and life in a way of maintaining, nurturing, and love, and togetherness. Fourth, Indonesias environmental crisis resulting from the act of human hand excessive and arbitrary in the exploitation of natural resources, it needs the application of a new lifestyle as the key to stopping all practices and systems that threaten the survival of the earth, namely by implementing lifestyle from ethical principles Islam or ecofeminism as an alternative.

Keywords: anthropocentrism, ethics, gender ecofeminism, ecological,


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Fikrah: Jurnal Ilmu Aqidah dan Studi Keagamaan is published by

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ISSN: 2354-6174 | EISSN: 2476-9649

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