Kualitas Pendidikan Berbasis Filsafat Ilmu

Izah Ulya Qadam


EDUCATION QUALITY BASED ON SCIENCE PHILOSOPHY. The paradigm of science and religiousintegrityas strengthening the quality of education is a response to the dichotomy of religion and general science. Answering this question can only be solved with the wisdomapproachis not only a man’s ability to think critically, systematic, and radical, but also based on the purity of soul that is based on the divine light. The concept of al-hikmah al-muta’aliyyah (highest wisdom) has raised philosophy to have the highest position since having foundation and clear objectives at once.Through philosophy approach that is neutral and proportional to bridge and simultaneously reconcile these two domains (science and religion).Science and religion are not something separate and not something that one is above the other.The view that religion is higher than science is the influence of the concept about science and religiondichotomy.Science is considered as the creation of human beings that has a relative truth which has a lower position than the religion as God’s creation that has the absolute truth.


Education Quality; Integrity; Religious Studies


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/jupe.v9i2.1324


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