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Religious Guidance and Counseling For Listeners of Dangdut Radio in Jakarta Indonesia

Armawati Arbi


Religious counselors in current days seldom come forward in mass media, especially in radio. They prefer to introduce their selves as Islamic preacher. Furthermore, Islamic counselor is rarely as program director and producer in radio. This article offers what is very significant roles and functions of Islamic counselor (IC) on air program and off-air program in order families look for Islamic counseling. This research methods using observation, text analysis on record cassette, and script of fragment, deep interview on  Fattahuddin as Islamic Counselor, and literature studies. Data were analyzed by constructivism paradigm. It was conducted by dialect among subjective reality, symbolic reality, and objective reality through externalization, objectivities, and internalization. The results of research reveal two findings: 1). Fatahuddin is religious guidance and counseling in Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta, religious affairs. He had used radio schema to construct family problems in Jakarta Dangdut radio through 6 stages.2). He had framed the concepts of Sakinah Family through format of Dialog Listeners and Broadcasters by using fragments 1 and 2, script of cases and solutions.


Creative Guidance, listeners, Radio, Religious Counselor


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i1.4483

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