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Methods of Ruqyah, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual: Strategy in Handling Family Problems

Wadhifatul Mushoffa, Darto Wahidin


In human life, there will never be a problem and a test of life, including family problems. To overcome the problem and the test of life, humans certainly need strength and fortitude to pass it. Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Therapy as an Islamic consulting institution that handles life problems, including dealing with family life problems by using the unique ruqyah, hypnotherapy, and spiritual methods. On the basis of this uniqueness, this research is considered important. The purpose of this research is to find out ruqyah, hypnotherapy, and spiritual methods in dealing with family problems. This study was analyzed using sufism theory. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach, with the technique of collecting data through interviews. The results of this study found that the focus of consultation was handled in terms of psychology, the pattern of its handling with consultations, psychological approaches, even spiritual, and methods used by combining ruqyah, hypnotherapy, and spiritual. All methods used lead to Islamic methods based on the Qur'an in dealing with family problems.


Family, Hypnotherapy, Ruqyah, Spiritual.


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i1.4913

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