Interpretasi dan Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Etika Nadham Alfiyah Ibnu Malik Dalam Kehidupan Sosial (Pendekatan Obyektif Pragmatik)

Arif Mustofa, Gufron Gufron, Abdullah Zainur Rauf


The book of “Alfiyah” as a thymed book of Arabic grammar written by Ibn Malik in the 13th century, contains Nahwu and Sharf.Althaugh there is tymed linguistic, implicity contains a message of ethics.This study aims to describe the ethical valuescontained in the book alfiyah and its actualization in social life.This research is a qualitative research that is included in the form of literary critism with objective pragmatic approach.After studying and analyzing the data, then it is obtained tahat the book alfiyah written by ibn Malik in addition describe the rules of Arabic language there several tymes containing ethical values such as ,1) human ethics as a servant of God i.e.gratitude, istiqomah, love the  massanger, not the arrogant, tawadhu, sincere, shelter and ast to God, 2) the ethics of human being as individuals,i.e. hold emotions, a useful talk, identity, consistent, calm, independent, professional, objective, hard worker, has a leadhership skill, love to the God, focus on work, innovative, do not despair, appreciate the time, aspiring, greedy, not ethical either, so to be the exampke, optimisticand dynamic,3) human ethic as social beings that is communicative, ta’dhim, tolerant, transparent, keep secret, adaptive , selective to be friend, usable, discussing, cadre recruitment, motivtor, not arbritary, cooperation, professional, helping people another, fair, give precedence to the experienced, loyal, accommodate the opposition, wary of the association, upheld the equation, affection. Actualizting those values in society, can be done with;1) pracess of externalization of ethical values and socialization as well as his internal understanding, 2) objectivation process is the application through embodiment i.e. conditioning in social life or that is in the form of written norms or not in writing and in the form of real action that is a tradition in the community.


actualizing, ethics, alfiyah, social life.

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