Instilling the Value of Religious Pluralism as the Effort to Overcome the Religious Conflict

Eka Safitri


This study aims to describe how to instill the value of religious pluralism at An Najah Student Boarding School Purwokerto and analyze how the student efforts in tackling religious conflict. The methodology used in this research is qualitative descriptive methods. In this study, several conclusions were drawn that the Kiyai at An Najah Islamic Boarding School instill the value of religious pluralism for santri through various activities either written  in the Islamic boarding school curriculum or not. Efforts made by santri to overcome conflicts between religious communities are by following organizations based on harmony and being tolerant towards all religious communities. A good understanding of a student towards religious pluralism makes them always able to select which behavior should be carried out and not cause religious conflict.


religious pluralism, conflict, religion; boarding school

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