Journal History

IQTISHADIA was available since 1998 with registered number ISSN 1979-0724(print), ISSN 2502-3993(on-line) is a scientific journal. IQTISHADIA is a blind reviewed journal published twice a year in March and September. The journal is a forum of Islamic Economics and Business Schools which aim to promote the development and extention of Islamic Economics and Business to provide a deep-understanding in its widest sense. Economic and Business behaviors are not free from ontological conscience and cannot therefore be understood without ontological foundations. Because of their superiority, economic  and Business behaviors rooted in collaboration with the Divine Revelation and human Mind must be promoted and developed.

IQTISHADIA (Journal of Islamic economics and business) has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research-Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia: 36b/E/KPT/2016 on May 23, 2016, PERIOD: 2016-2021