Bitcoin: Islamic Law Perspective

Luqman Nurhisam



In Indonesia, bitcoin is a form of digital currency (e-money) and means of payment transactions that have been used by some communities. It is necessary to get attention, especially from Bank Indonesia. Other than that, the supervision that was once fully done by the central bank of Bank Indonesia, is now taken over by OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan). Thus, Bank Indonesia only has the authority to regulate and control the circulation of currency only. Since some of the tasks and authorities of Bank Indonesia were taken over by OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan), many things have not been covered, such as the new phenomenon in the field of finance in terms of capital, investment, currency circulation, and others. In addition there is no legal umbrella against bitcoin, which is increasingly widespread transaction using bitcoin done in e-commerce transactions. So in terms of security also need to be questioned, therefore there needs to be regulation and supervision specifically against bitcoin, and society will not feel harmed. When viewed in the perspective of Islamic law, that relating to the issuance of money as a means of transactions in a country, is a matter protected by general rules in Islamic law. Therefore, the issuance of money and the determination of the amount is matters relating to the benefit of the people. Another aspect to consider in the use of bitcoin is whether from the side of madharat is greater or benefits taken if used as currency and tool transactions, even as a commodity though. So the focus in this research is the use of bitcoin as currency and transaction tool by using approach and study of Islamic law.


bitcoin, e-money, e-commerce, currency

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