Developing Models of Productive Waqf Masjid Agung Syuhada Yogyakarta

Amimah Oktarina, Asnaini Asnaini


The problems of poverty and social inequality in a country with a majority Muslim population is of concern, one of which is Indonesia. One of the religious institution in Islam which are of direct relevance functionally with efforts to solve social problems and humanity is waqf. The emergence of the paradigm of productive waqf, is a momentum as an attempt to transform from its traditional management of waqf professional management. Masjid Agung Syuhada Yogyakarta can be considered successful in the management of this productive waqf for their productive economic programs. In this paper will discuss how to model the development of productive waqf in Masjid Agung Syuhada Yogyakarta. By using methods of field research and qualitative approach to the data will be obtained and analyzed through qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Data were obtained through in-depth observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed productive waqf that have been applied by Masjid Agung Syuhada Yogyakarta made many contributions both internally and externally through the productive economy that is sustainable. Waqf funds collected are managed properly and professionally so that the distribution can also be dialogue, it means that the waqf funds channeled productively with their development in several business areas in Masjid Agung Syuhada Yogyakarta.


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