Psychological Meaning of Spiritual Experience Participants Naqshbandiyah Khalidiyah in Kebumen Indonesia

Saliyo Saliyo



This study aims at identifying the psychological  experiences of spiritual participants in Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah tarekat. This experience was obtained after the participants of the baiat tarekat and carried out the spiritual teachings of the tarekat. The research method used is using a phenomenology.. The results of this study found themes of spiritual experience when the activities of baiat, tawajuhan, suluk, after baiat, and interaction with tarekat friends. Even so, not everyone finds spiritual experience in the tarekat, in every activity. The reason is that spiritual experience is not one of the main goals of a person following the Naqsabandiyah Khalidiyah  tarekat. However, not everyone finds spiritual experience in tarekat. The reason is that spiritual experience is not one of the main goals of a person following the spiritual  tarekat.


Psychological Meaning, Spiritual Experience, and Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah tarekat.

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