Muslim Minority in Yogyakarta: Between Social Relationship and Religious Motivation

Idi Warsah, Yusron Masduki, Imron Imron, Mirzon Daheri, Ruly Morganna


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between minority Muslim families and those of non-Muslims in Banjarasri, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta; and to find out the religious diversity motivation of the Muslim families. This study used descriptive qualitative method by applying a phenomenological approach. The data were garnered using observation and interview. This study revealed that the acculturation of arts, cultures, and social community made Muslim families and non-Muslim families live side by side. The religious motivation of Muslim minority for the sake of maintaining their faith rested upon both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Extrinsically, it could be seen from the strong influence of the mosque administrators, the power of various religious activities to enhance religious awareness, and the solid cohesiveness of the group to strengthen as well as protect religious motivation. Intrinsically, the religious motivation of Muslims in Banjarsari was basically the effect of self-awareness by reasons of their minor position, so that such motivation yielded strong inner capacity from each Muslim family to revive and get more deeply into Islam.


Social relationship; religious motivation; muslim minority.

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