Mubasyaroh Mubasyaroh


Disabilities are those who have physical, mental,
intellectual limitations or sensory impairments in the long term.
When they deal with various obstacles, they may hinder their full
and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
Besides, the disabilities, this paper will reveal Islamic counseling for
children in learning disabilities. Basically, people with disabilities
need an intervention in order to run a normal and decent life and
to function as a member of society. But on the other hand, they also
want to be treated as equal and independent individuals, without
having to invite pity excessive.
The emergence of learning disabilities is influenced by several
factors coming from both inside and outside of the individual
concerned. The cause of learning difficulties disabilities consists
of two factors; internal factors are the possibility of neurological
dysfunction, whereas the main cause of the learning problems is
the external factors, which include learning strategies are wrong,
the management of learning activities that do not generate the
motivation to learn the child, and the inappropriate provision
replicates reinforcement.


Disability, learning disabilities, Counseling Islam, individual and Group Guidance

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Elementary : Islamic Teacher Journal by Program Studi PGMI Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Kudus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License