Respon Pengendara Bermotor dan Tingkat Kepatuhan Traffict Light Terhadap Keberadaan Kanopi Pohon di Persimpangan Jalan Kecamatan Mataram

Munawir Sazali, Amirah Muhammad Umar, Muniri Muniri, Fahrurrozi Fahrurrozi


Trees canopy as ecosystem services provided pleasantness activity for motorcycle rider broad daylight. This study was analysed of role thees canopy and drivers response at Mataram sub-district intersection. This study was carried out using the  expost pasto approach with examining the relationship of more than one free variable (extensive and criteria of threes canopy) to the comfort and level of traffic light violations at the Mataram Sub-district intersection. Results of this study indicate that tree canopies provide a pleasantness of driving and orderly traffic lights. The tree canopy at Gubernuran intersection with shady criteria, this area of the canopy covering the entire road body has a level of comfort of motorbike riders around 74.4% with a relatively small number of violations about 95.33. Whereas the Pasar Pagutan intersection has open tree canopy criteria, the motorbike driver's pleasantness response is about 62.5% the average number of violations 177. Therefore, existence of a tree canopy around the crossroads has the effect of driving comfort thereby reducing the level of violation of traffic signs.


Three canopy, Pleasantness, Motorcycle rider

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