Misconception In Scientific Literature On Journal Online That Discuss Integration Of Science And Religion In Era 4.0

Achmad Ali Fikri, Desvi Miasari, Ika Tamara Dewi


Era 4.0 or the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 positioned information technology as a very basic need in human life. This causes disruption of various human activities, including in the field of education, namely in the case of scientific literature from online journals which become references or sources of literature for academics. Along with this, a new paradigm is developing about the integration of science and religion in the world of education, (the aim of which is to equip the alumni not only with skills in the field of science and technology but also to equip with IMTAQ), so that scientific literature is also emerging. in this case are articles in online scientific journals that raise topics or themes about the integration of science and religion. The articles were compiled by writers from various types of different educational backgrounds who of course have different understanding of the concepts or science material itself. This research aims to reveal and enlighten the existence of misconceptions in scientific literature that examines the integration of science and religion (Islam). This research is a qualitative research with a case study method, the data collection process is carried out by collecting and documenting scientific articles that examine the integration of science and religion in scientific online journals from various universities in Indonesia. The collected data is then analyzed by theorical analysis. The results showed that many misconceptions in the scientific literature that examined the integration of science and religion (Islam) are related to the scientific concepts described. The hope, with the results of this study can knock the hearts of researchers or academics with educational backgrounds in the field of science to improve and develop research related to the integration of science and religion (Islam) especially in this 4.0 era.


Misconception, Integration, Science, Religion, Era 4.0

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/jbe.v2i2.6323


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