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“Crying For Healing” Formulation in The Frame of Sufistic Counseling

Nadhifatuz Zulfa


Crying for healing formulation in the frame of sufistic counseling. This study discusses cry formulations for healing various problems, both physical and psychic health disorders that are wrapped in a frame of sufistic counseling. The object of this research is all forms and benefits of crying taken from literature, both literature books and research journals related to healing crying through Sufism. The purpose of this study is to produce crying for healing various problems that interfere with physical and psychological health through Sufism. The method used is descriptive qualitative method with content analysis techniques. The results of his research concluded that the crying for healing formulation in the frame of sufistic counseling included the types, benefits and the correct crying process to cure various problems. The Crying for Healing formulation in the frame of sufistic counseling is a cry accompanied by three things, namely tazkiyah an nafs (cleansing of the soul), riyadhah an nafs (mental training through worship), and taqarrub ila Allah (approaching Allah). The first thing that is done by a problematic individual if using this formulation for sufistic healing therapy is to "seek" God first. Allah is the right place to return. Only He is the source of all solutions and that gives medicine for all diseases.


Crying for healing formulation, physical and psychic health


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v9i2.4659

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