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Effectiveness of Islamic-Based Group Counseling Models with Al Mauizhoh Al Hasanah Techniques in Improving Islamic Entrepreneurship Students

Nadhifatuz Zulfa


Effectiveness of islamic-based group counseling models with al mauizhoh al hasanah techniques in improving islamic entrepreneurship students. This article discusses the effectiveness of Islamic-based Group Counseling in improving Islamic Student Entrepreneurship. The subjects of this study were students of the Islamic Counseling Department who were taking business risks. The bad impact that occurs on students who take business risks is the lack of focus of students in two fields of work and lecture, which results in unsatisfactory results in both fields, because these students have an unfavorable level of Islamic entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of Islamic Entrepreneurship of BPI Department Students (pretest and posttest), as well as the effectiveness of the implementation of Islamic counseling to improve Islamic Student Entrepreneurship. The research method uses experimental research methods, one group pretest posttest design. The results showed the level of Islamic Entrepreneurship Students who took business risks before being given Islamic counseling services obtained 1 person (5%) had a low level category (not good), 19 people (95%) had a medium category (good), none or 0% which has high criteria (very good). The level of Islamic entrepreneurship students who take business risks after being given services obtained 17 people (85%) have a high category level (very good), 3 people (15%) have a medium category level (good), and 0% have a low category level (bad ). Then it is proven that Islamic counseling is effective in increasing Islamic Entrepreneurship of students, as seen from the Wilcoxon statistical test which is declared significant (probability <0.05).


Islamic counseling, Islamic Entrepreneurship, business risk


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i2.5616

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