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Transformative Da'wah Through Counseling for the Career Development of Coffee Farmer Groups in the Tourism Village Banyuwangi

Samsul Arifin


The mental changes in society, especially those related to career development, are one of the problems in facing agricultural tourism villages. Therefore, the da'wah approach must undergo change into transformative da'wah (which can be taken through counseling) including strengthening the character of the community, strengthening institutional management resources, and empowering based on local wisdom. Research Objectives 1) Irshad Da'wah with group counseling to farmer group members 2) Do tadbir da'wah approaches in the management of farmer groups? 3) approach tathwir da'wah based on the values of local cultural wisdom. Method: Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) which all stages are carried out in a participatory manner, namely the introduction of the area, assessment, planning, implementation, and the evaluation and reflection stages. The results showed: da'wah Irsyad namely strengthening the personality traits of members of farmer groups so that they can grow in their careers to become better at building agriculture tourism villages. 2) tadbir da'wah namely strengthening the transformation of institutional management directed at strengthening the management of farmer groups so that the institution is able to compete. 3) tathwir preaching is to strengthen the transformation of the values of local cultural wisdom so that people are not deprived of their cultural roots. Career development that pays attention to the character of the environment and local wisdom is very important and relevant to the theory of self-concept career development (self-concept theory of career development). Da'wah activities through group counseling are also very interesting and the problem is increasingly complex, because it requires interdisciplinary science and must collaborate with other scientists.


Career Development, Local Wisdom, Transformative Da'wah, Village Agriculture


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i2.6480

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