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Kai-Wait Culture as an Effort to Facilitate Interfaith Counseling in Post-Conflict Islamic-Christian Relations on Buru Island Maluku

Yuliana febriani tasidjawa, Jacob Daan Engel


This article discusses the role of Kai-Wait as a philosophy of life in the post-conflict reconciliation process towards Islam-Christian relations from the perspective of interfaith and cultural assistance and counseling on Buru Island, Maluku. The method used is a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used were observing research sites, namely some areas on Buru Island which became a place of debate, interviews with traditional leaders, religious leaders, and the community, as well as conducting literature studies through literature relevant to the research in this paper. Analysis of the data used is the Miles and Huberman Interactive Model. In this study, the authors found that Kai -unggu as the local wisdom of the Buru community was a means of reconciling conflict. In addition to conflict reconciliation, values in the Kai-Wait culture are also an aid in interfaith and cultural assistance and counseling on the island of Buru. The pattern of counseling is done with the help of Centered Client Therapy with common cases such as family problems, social crisis, and trauma. The values that the writer found in interfaith counseling and counseling and the value of brotherhood / family and the value of appreciation.


Cross-Religious and Cultural Counseling, Conflict Reconciliation Kai-Wait, Islamic-Christian Relations


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i2.6584

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