Amirus sodiq


This research aims to explain the influence analysis of Inflation, Gross
Domestic Bruto, and Interest Rate to the Return on Asset (ROA) of Islamic
Banking period 2009-2014. The sampling technique used is purposive
sampling. This research sample gained from three Islamic banks and the data
were obtained from published financial statement of Bank of Indonesia. Data
analysis technique used multiple linier regression analysis. Where previously
data had been tested with the classical assumption include data normality test,
heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity and autocorrelation. F Test result showed
that simultaneous variable of Inflation, Gross Domestic Bruto, and Interest
Rate have a significant effect on ROA while T Test result showed that partially
Inflation haven’t a significant effect on ROA while GDP have a positive and
significant effect on ROA while Interest Rate have a significant effect on ROA.


Profitabilitas, PDB, Inflasi, Suku Bunga

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