Pengembangan Perpustakaan Wujudkan Peradaban Bangsa yang Maju dan Bermartabat

Ratna Yulia Wijayanti


Library is a means of collecting knowledge that will provide substantial benefits in an effort to develop the nation's progress. Libraries contribute to the development of excellent human resources that are capable of shaping innovative creative and innovative creative human resources. Library plays an important role in forming civilized people who will be able to bring this nation more advanced and dignified. This is because the human form is not easy because it takes the process sebuat long journey that requires sacrifice. This paper reveals issues related to the role of library development to realize a developed and dignified nation. This is related to the importance of the role of libraries in participating in building human resources that have advantages and compete in today's era. The role of Library in the effort to realize the developed and dignified nation can be seen from the various functions of libraries that have a common function as information, education, culture and research, so it can be concluded that libraries are utilized properly in pemuntkannya as the center of education and information will bring a positive impact in the civilization of the nation because the Library plays a major role in education. Good education and quality will shape the Indonesian people to be a superior people in various sectors while maintaining the nation's culture.


Library, Civilization, Knowledge, Education.

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