M. Saekan Muchith


Islamic education has a very wide scope, it concerned about the normative material (the qur'an), material relating to the conviction or confidence in the existence of God (aqidah), relating to the norm of human life (Fiqh/Sharia), relating to the attitude and behavior of inter and between human being (ahlaq) and regarding how to understand the reality of the past (tarikh). Islamic education teacher is a professional educator who has the task of giving Islamic material to learners and society. Islamic education teacher at least has two tasks they are executing the task as educators and teachers in schools and also has the task of providing an understanding of Islamic material to learners so that the learners and the community have a way of view or understanding of religion (qur'an and Hadith) appropriately that is marked with attitude and good manners, peace and nonviolence. Real difference between Islamic education teachers with a non Islamic education teacher is located on social competence aspects and pedagogy. The scope of social competence for Islamic education teacher is broader than a non Islamic education teacher, because an Islamic education teacher both directly or indirectly required providing enlightenment not only to students at the school but also to the community outside the school. This means that the professional Islamic education teacher is automatically already can be said to meet the professional teacher criteria, but professional teacher could not automatically be said to meet the professional Islamic education teacher criteria. The position of a professional Islamic education teacher is higher than non Islamic education teacher. This idealism is not enough just inside the landscape of the norm but should be able to be implemented into the reality of social life. The professional Islamic education teacher at least has three missions they are; the mission of Islamic propagation, it is able to show and hang of Islam to anyone on this earth; the pedagogy mission, it is able to do the learning process; the mission of education, it is able to guide and foster ethics and personality of students while in school or outside of school. Profile of teachers who are able to be used as an example (uswah) for learners and the community is an important role in the educational mission of the national program for teachers.


teacher, islamic education, professional



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