Siti Rochmatin


This study aims to increase the enthusiasm and learning outcomes of the Prophet's
Hijrah to Medina with the learning model of Presto Class VII F Middle School 6
Salatiga in the even semester of 2016-2017. This research was conducted in 6
months, from January to July 2017, both from the preparation of proposals,
compilation of instruments, collecting data, implementing Class Actions,
processing and analyzing values, to preparing reports. The place of research in
SMP Negeri 6 Salatiga. The research subjects were students of class VII F SMP
Negeri 6 Salatiga in the even semester 2016-2017 which numbered 15 people. Data
collection techniques initially took value in the last semester about the results of
learning Islamic history, then carried out 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of four
stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection, ending with
a written test, then assessing and reflecting to find out the success of the research
objectives is according to what has been formulated. Seeing the values in the initial
conditions which experienced an average of only 42.66, while after the action
carried out in the first cycle increased to 53.60. this experienced a very significant
increase, namely 24.64%, while in the second cycle reached an average value of
78, compared to the value in the first cycle increased by 45.52% as well.
Keywords: learning outcomes, migration of the Prophet, Kasteri Presto.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan antusias dan hasil belajar Hijrah Nabi ke Madinah dengan model pembelajaran Kasteri Presto Kelas VII F SMP Negeri 6 Salatiga pada semester genap 2016-2017. Penelitain ini dilaksanakan 6 bulan yakni Januari samp

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