Khusnul Khotimah


Efforts to improve the quality of university libraries should be conducted continuously with reference to library standards published by the National Library. Assessment of the quality of university libraries can be done through accreditation library. Accredited certificate can obtain a university library based on the amount of the weighted value of nine components. These components are the components of the service, collaboration, collection, organizing library materials, human resources, building or space and infrastructure, budget, library management and maintenance of the library collection. To be accredited university library to get the most, librarians should play an active role. Some examples of the role of librarians in the accreditation activities of the university library are studying the accreditation guidelines, prepare the physical evidence, conduct self-evaluation, and perform simulations accreditation.


University Library; Library Accreditation; Quality Library; Role of Librarians


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/libraria.v4i2.1715


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