Library in Hand and The Social Review as Adaptive Representation of Library Development Idea

Ifonilla Yenianti


The development of technology and information brings a number of indispensable consequences, and it requires a wiser adaptation to apply them in the library to avoid the entailed negative impacts. This article discusses the idea of applying information technology of library in hand for library services. It is based on observations of the benchmarking activities in several countries and review on various literatures. Presentation and analysis are conducted descriptively, with the conclusion that the library should be about to adaptively follow the development of IT by considering the contextual social effects. In this context, the application of library in hand includes SMS gateway, Interactive Learning, Independent Learning, Online Reservation, and Online Library Information Retrieval. Meanwhile, the social effects that arise from this application are seen from three dimensions namely the structural, cultural and interactional ones.


Library in Hand; SMS Gateway; Interactive Learning; Independent Learning; Online Reservation; Social Effects

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