Pelatihan Pengembangan Materi Ajar dalam Bentuk Media Power Point pada Materi Struktur Luar Tumbuhan

Muhamad Jalil


The challenge of the 21st century is how teachers as much as possible integrate learning with information technology. Lecturers often find slides prepared by students when the presentation is not good, for example: full text and not contrast. The purpose of this study is to explain how the implementation, response, constraints, and difficulties during the development of materials in the form of a powerpoint slide on the material outside the plant structure. The research approach is based on qualitative research. Data obtained from questionnaires, interviews, and observations on PGMI students Semester 4 academic year 2017/2018. Data analysis using Miles and Haberman version. The results showed that the implementation of the training through three stages of pre-training, training and evaluation. Training includes 10 menus, namely: making titles, core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, concept maps, aperception, sub material outside structure in plants, insert windows media player, practice questions, and compile learning resources. All the trainees were pleased with the material development training through the presentation slides, 75% said they were useful, and 87.25% said Powerpoint training was something new. The material difficulties faced by students are 50% in the form of structure and content, 25% are Powerpoint templates, 12.5% difficulties create hyperlinks and insert windows video player. Technical obstacles faced in general are 62.5% in the form of time settings, 25% HR, and 12,% laptop supplies are limited.

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