Abdurrahman Kasdi


Through empowerment productive endowments, charitable
institutions have run most tasks of government institutions, or special
ministries such as the ministry of education, ministry of health, social ministry
and other ministries related to the needs of the community. This is because the
empowerment endowment has been used to build the dormitory, library, hire
teachers, pay teachers, provide scholarships to students, provide health care,
clean water supply, help the hungry, and help the disaster in the community.
In addition, it is also motivating the research and translation programs are
supported by the results of waqf. Many books written or translated by scholars
and Muslim scientists were funded from the endowment. Research that is
developed either by using empirical and scientific methods to be developed
and supported by the endowment funding. This means making productive
endowments as a medium for creating economic justice, reducing indigence
and poverty, developing social security systems, and provide health care
facilities and public service facilities are good.


Empowerment, Endowments Productive, Health, Education

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