Nur Ahmad


Zakat is the property that must be set aside by a Muslim or body
owned by a religion in accordance with the provisions to be given to those
who deserve it. As Allah SWT. Meaning: “Those who believe do righteous
deeds, to establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, they mendaoat
Tuhanya rewarded. And there shall no fear come upon them neither shall
they grieve “(Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 277). Zakat also has the function of a very
high socioeconomic, relating to the prohibition of usury, zakat directed us not
to accumulate treasures-stacked. Zakat is a means of educating for human
possessions or material that is not the purpose of life and not a right of
absolute property of the man who has it, but it is a surrogate of God, which
should be used as a tool to control yourself to God and as a human being
to run the commands of God in all aspects. If the potential of the Muslims
in the empowerment of zakat are properly managed in an integrated and
optimized, then the zakat funds can overcome the problems of poverty and
reduce social disparities akam certainly capable of reducing poverty. However,
this is no different than fire as far roast. Not according to what most people
expected. In practice for the management of zakat is done individually
but only a few institutions, the management of zakat implemantasinya
not well ordered based on the principle of pilgrims, so that its collection is
relatively small due to scattered everywhere without good management.


Poverty Alleviation, Zakat Empowerment

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