Hilyah Alan Finandar


The quality of education as a pillar of human resource development, closely related to management at educational institutions. Quality education will arise if quality schools, which can not be separated from the management properly. The quality of education is not independent of inputs, processes, outputs or outcomes. Therefore, education must be continuously upgraded through a management system that can be accountable to stakeholders in order to be able to prepare future generations who have a competitive advantage in answering and solving the future challenges of the nation in the global era. The reason for choosing in MTs Negeri 2 Palembang because in terms of acceptance of MTs Negeri 2 Palembang receive inputs with the selection of both written tests and test kaji. In the process of education continues to increase the potential of existing teachers proven teachers who have S2 as much as 6 people. Outputs issued can penetrate state high school and Madrasah Aliyah Negeri and students who excel, therefore MTs Negeri 2 Palembang can be used as a model


Strategy, Total Quality Management, Islamic Education.


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