Junaidi Abdullah, Nur Qodin


Waqf money more effectively and become the trend of worship today, because
the endowment money, the money is used as capital, then distribute the profits
as endowments. However, the process of distribution of cash waqf requires
wakif must transfer money to Nazhir wakafnya wakafnya that money can be
distributed in the manner intended. Therefore, may assume a very important
role of information technology to simplify all matters in the field of banking
affairs, including through electronic media. This will be analyzed in terms
of the legal aspects of the use of information technology in the waqf money
as protection and legal protection. Waqf money is one of the productive
endowments. Endowments productive is a gift in the form of something that
can be cultivated or rotated for the good and benefit of the people. The shape
can be either cash or securities. Waqf money distribution process requires
wakif must transfer money to Nazhir wakafnya wakafnya that money can be
distributed in the manner intended. The use of electronic media in terms of
the distribution of money endowments that we can see the setting in Act No.
11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) in article
1, paragraph (2) which states that: “Electronic transactions are legal act
performed by using a computer, computer network and / or other electronic
media. “. Regarding the placement money waqf stipulated in Article 25
(d) of Government Regulation (PP) No. 42 of 2006 on the Implementation
of Law No. 41 of 2004 on endowments. to facilitate the delivery of money
waqf is done by transferring money from the endowment wakif to deposit
accounts which have been provided by Nazhir through the bank. Along with
the development of information technology as well as to facilitate all matters
including the business banking sector use of electronic media such as internet,
ATM, credit card or SMS banking included in conveying the waqf money.


Information Technology, Law, Endowments Money, Banking Syari’ah

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