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Kearifan Lingkungan Berbasis Agama (Studi Etnoekologi pada Komunitas Nelayan di Pesisir Banyutowo Dukuhseti Pati)

Thiyas Tono Taufiq


This study aims to see the wisdom of the coastal community of fishermen in coastal Banyutowo in growing responsibility to the environment (sea). The village of Banyutowo is one of the villages in Dukuhseti, Pati, Central Java. This research uses qualitative method that oriented to the result of observation, documentation, and in-depth interview with the informants in Banyutowo. The data are then classified and analyzed using an ethnoecological approach, which aims to examine local knowledge about the interaction of local communities with their environment. The results of this study indicate that the culture of the fisherman communities and solidarity of coastal communities of Banyutowo formed by the ritual of sedekah laut, and other tradition. The tradition is believed to be a local tradition that can not be eliminated. The meaning of sedekah laut to the coastal people of Banyutowo is not only a cultural ritual, but as a means to obtain salvation and maintain a natural balance. In addition, the values contained in sedekah laut rituals, including religious values (spirituality), social, economic, and education.


Banyutowo Coastal, Environmental wisdom, Ethnoecological, Fisherman Community,


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i1.3559

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