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Filsafat Etika Tasawuf Fana', Baqa', Ittihad Abu Yazid Al-Busthomi

Taufikin Taufikin


The concepts of Fana ', Baqa' and Ittihad Abu Yazid al Busthomi, need to be explored not only to be mere theories, but also to bring out their moral concepts. This paper will try to analyze with hermeneutics / interpretation / interpretation and content analysis, so that the meaning is found implicitly or explicitly. The concepts of Fana ', Baqa' and Ittihad turned out to bring easy morals such as: tawadhu, wara ', zuhud, resignation, sincerity, patience, faith and so forth. So that it has the kindness, stability and overall supervision to apply easy morals to Allah, the Messenger, parents, fellow human beings and the natural environment.


Fana ', Baqa', Ittihad, Interpretation, Easy Morals


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i1.3588

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