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Makna Esoteris Ayat-ayat Kauniyah

Zumrodi Zumrodi


Al-qur'an is the last book that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, its contents are in the form of commands and prohibitions that can lead people to a happy life, both in the world and in the hereafter. The instructions contained in al-qur'an are sometimes conveyed explicitly and are sometimes conveyed implicitly or which are referred to as esoteric meaning or isyari meaning. To be able to capture the esoteric meaning of al-Qur'an verses, a specific method is needed. This specific method for example by clearing the heart of things that are worldly. Besides that it must be taken by concentrating on reading the verses of the Qur'an through tadabbur, tafakkur, tadzakhur, tayaqqudh and hudlur al-qalbi.


esoteric meaning, tadabbur, tafakkur, tadzakhur, tayaqqudh, hudlur al-qolbi


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i1.3978

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