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Syekh Siti Jenar: Peralihan Diskursus Kajian Tasawuf di Indonesia dari Era Modern ke Postmodern

Selvia Santi


This research discusses Syeikh Siti Jenar as a study of figures which shows the transition of tasawuf discourse in Indonesia from the modern to the postmodern. This research will contain a sub-discussion of a brief description of the study of Sufism in the West and Indonesia, a brief overview of Indonesian Islamic discourse from the period prior to independence, after independence and reformation, Sheikh Siti Jenar in earlier work and in present work and the last transition of Sufism discourse in case Sheikh Siti Jenar. From the sub-discussion will show the global discourse of the study of Sufism from the West greatly affect the study of tasawuf in Indonesia both in terms of approaches and methods used.


Syekh Siti Jenar, Tasawuf studies, Modern, Postmodern


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i2.4048

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