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Sufisme dan Warung Kopi: Dialog “Pengajian Sufi” dengan “Masyarakat Warung Kopi” di Yogyakarta

Aflahal Misbah


This paper seeks to depict a reciprocal dialogue between the religious gathering of Sufism that is typical with piety and the social activities in the coffeehouse given to take pleasure and leisure occurring in one place in Yogyakarta. This depiction intends for reconsidering deeply how Sufism influences to society. Despite the gathering going on weekly, the everyday life of coffeehouse society from January to July in 2018 will present here to support the picture of dialogue. In result, there is a change of social formation in the coffeehouse by virtue of an encounter between piety and pleasure and leisure. However, this change is not as simply as Misbah (Misbah, 2018b) sketch before consisting of followers (Jama’ah), coffee drinkers, and visitors. It is due to the main characteristics of coffeehouse society that tends to be freely from what social status is, thereby becoming difficult enough to formulate precisely. Of this, there is thus a question in relation with what the harmonious landscape in coffeehouse described by Misbah (Misbah, 2018b) is completely generated from Sufism or a product of the social life of coffeehouse.


Sufism, religious gathering, coffeehouse, society, dialogue.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i2.4050

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