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Membangun Peradaban Esoteris Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Spiritual: Studi Historis Sains Islam Abad Pertengahan

Fadhlu Rahman


The science of Islam in medieval times provides another perspective on human concepts and the progress of civilization. The values of monotheism look at the sides of spirituality as a measure of the progress of civilization. From it the definition of civilization gained new space and paved the way for the inherent potentials of humanity as the foundation for the progress of civilization as well as not reducing the quality of scientific sophistication. This paper aims to uncover the concept of the holistic paradigm and the history of Islamic science in the Middle Ages while also contextualizing it on the concept of Coomaraswamy spiritual civilization which has the theory of spiritual civilization, as a basis for the meaning of civilization with historical methods as well as descriptive analysis. Thus, my findings conclude that the paradigm of the progress of civilization has an esoteric perspective, and spirituality can be used as a measure of the progress of civilization besides not ignoring the materiality side in the form of sophistication of scientific science theories.


Civilization, Holistic, Tawheed, Islamic Science, Spirituality


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i2.4091

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