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Rekonstruksi Rukun Islam sebagai Psikoterapi Umat

Novaili Novaili


This paper aims to introduce the efforts to reconstruct the pillars of Islam as a people's psychotherapy. The objectives of this paper are educators, and community leaders who have an interest in providing assistance in life coaching to all people and it is hoped that the community can face all the challenges of life that are being faced now, and in the future. The process of reconstructing the pillars of Islam as a people's psychotherapy. The contribution of this paper is to provide an alternative understanding to educators and community leaders on how to avoid feeling uneasy when faced with situations of various problems of life, so that they are still adhering to the values of monotheism. Psychotherapy through the reconstruction of harmony in Islam can be applied to all people in terms of stress management. Thus, people can avoid feeling anxious, anxious, and feel afraid to face all kinds of life challenges that will be lived.



Psychotherapy, Reconstruction, Pillars of Islam


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i2.4164

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