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Karamah dalam Pandangan Tasawuf

Abdul Karim


This article discusses Karamah in the view of Sufism. The author attempts to reveal the nature of karamah by using the content analysis approach. Karamah which is generally interpreted as an extraordinary event experienced by a guardian, becomes increasingly biased to define karamah itself, because many extraordinary phenomena that can occur to anyone, including can happen to people who are not obedient to Allah. So the writer needs to reformulate the meaning of karamah in the Sufistic paradigm. The result is that karamah is actually a privilege given by Allah to his righteous servant and is chosen to give the effect of confidence in the community on the omnipotence of Allah, and karamah does not always have to be seen in the form of extraordinary mystical phenomena witnessed by the general public, because not all mystical things that are out of the ordinary are a sign of one's dignity.


Karamah, Sufistic paradigm, mystical phenomenon


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i2.4168

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