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Mengenal Epistemologi Ilmu Huduri dalam Tradisi Tasawuf Falsafi

Fatkhul Mufid


Epistemologically, the science of huduri is a form of knowledge acquired by humans directly from Allah SWT, without having to involve the work of mind conceptually and the work of the senses visually, but through the heart (qalb) which is clean of various impurities and hijab. This article is the result of library research with a hermeneutics-phenomenological approach, considering that the source of the data is in the form of a classical text that has been published. The unit of problem of this research is "recognizing the epistemology of the science of huduri in the tradition of philosophical Sufism". The data sources in this study are literature related to the epistemological concept of the science of hu danuri, and the works of others related to the discussion. The findings from the results of this study are that the concept of huduri science is much influenced by various concepts that have developed before, both philosophy, mysticism, and kalam, which are then harmonized with the Qur'an and al-Hadith by Mulla Sadrā.


Huduri science, epistemology, knowledge, qalb, and inspiration.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i1.4502

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