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Membentuk Perilaku Beragama Melalui Konsep Wahdat al-Wujud Dan Wahdat Ash Syuhud

Mufid Mufid, Alex Yusron Al-Mufti


In historical records, Sufism has made a huge contribution to the spiritual and intellectual life of Islam. Sufism has influenced religious behavior which points through people's attitudes, morals, and behavior. This writing uses descriptive method with qualitative approach, and inductive/ qualitative data analysis, while data collection techniques through library Research, with findings that someone who truly understands the concept of Wahdat al Wujud and Wahdat Ash Syuhud will behave first, he becomes more confident in the beginning of worship. Second, all the life he faces is enjoyable or easy and not so hard. Third, understanding the life of the world is a temporary life and the ultimate life is life in the hereafter. It is he, in himself who is steady that only Allah is the greatest Almighty, all-powerful and all-inclusive, while human is small and weak. Fifth, he feels that he is always supervised by Allah SWT. Sixth, he will get a lot of blessings from Allah SWT whether it is health favors, favors of faith, Islam and ihsan.


religious behavior, Wahdat al Wujud, Wahdat Ash Syuhud.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v5i1.4522

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