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Psikoterapi Islam Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (Upaya Menumbuhkan Perilaku Sosial Keagamaan)

Farida Farida Farida


Children's Learning House (RBA) conducts Islamic psychotherapy in social religious activities such as congregational prayers. Children with special needs (ABK) can recognize it from the voice of the call to prayer, which then queues for ablution and the discipline of prayer in congregation. It trains order in religious activities along with friends and teachers (socio-religious). This study wanted to find out the kinds of Islamic psychotherapy for children with special needs in an effort to foster socio-religious behavior and what are the obstacles of Islamic psychotherapy for children with special needs in an effort to foster socio-religious behavior. The research method uses a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques using triangulation and analysis techniques using Spradley. The results of the study that children with special needs can grow socio-religious behavior with the voice of the call to prayer recognized to immediately queue for ablution and the discipline of prayer in congregation, although guided by teachers in the RBA and need family support to familiarize socio-religious behavior.


Islamic Psychotherapy, ABK, Religious Social Behavior


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i2.4824

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